Right now your number one concern should be for the health & safety of your family and not worrying about your website or other website related services.
I want to personally reassure you all that nothing here has changed. I have asked and been reassured by all of our vendors that there is no reason to believe there will be service interruptions. There may be longer wait times for support calls or chats due to a decrease in staff at support centers.
On a personal note, if you are struggling with the emotional toll of having to “socially distance” yourself, reach out to friends or family for someone to talk to. Video chatting is one of the best ways to feel reassured everyone is well. If you or a family member needs help setting up video chat so you can visit, please call me! I’m more than happy to help!
Mirror Images is open for business, and I am always here during business hours and will be available to help you with your website & answer questions. Please don’t hesitate to call or email if you need me!